Amidst the chaos, a moment of quiet

0410111859a DSCN0517On a day to day basis, our house is loud.  There’s a lot going on even if nothing is happening.  I don’t want to complain because I love it, I just get tired sometimes and appreciating the moment can be difficult.  Both Jason and I make efforts to try to enjoy all the treasures 4 kids 6 and under produce, but sometimes the trivial day to day survival stuff gets in the way.  I mean, the kids can’t go without diapers being changed, fed, read to… and we forget to enjoy the moment.  I am lucky that a few nights ago I had a truly peaceful fully engaged moment that reminded me how fleeting this precious time is.  In the midst of all of the moving and changes, our sweet youngest boy started to walk. He wasn’t even 10 months old and he just started moving.  At first like a drunken sailor, now like a pro, albeit perhaps looking a little drunk still.  But there he was, flapping his arms huge smile on his face, toes curled for balance, trying to keep up with his brothers.

That night when I put him to bed, I rocked him as I always do and the moment struck me.  My baby is walking.  And I thought, with tears in my eyes, of excitement and sadness, please, let me hold on to this moment.  He is growing so fast.  Let me remember everything about this moment.  How he feels in my arms, he snuggles in perfectly so he can hear my heart beat.  I can feel his eyelashes blinking and his heart pounding.  The little sounds he makes cooing and breathing.  He always rests his hand right on my chest and flexes his fingers, sometimes he reaches up and touches my chin.  Somehow let me have this moment, everything about it locked in my head and heart.  I know one day as I watch my boys running around with their friends, driving, talking, laughing, not really needing me for those day to day tasks, I will hope so hard that I can remember how each of them felt in my arms as I put them to bed.  Please let me have that.

This reminds me to be in the moment as much as possible.   My sweetDSCN0471 Crib DSC01993 babies are growing up and it is an amazing thing to watch.

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1 Response to Amidst the chaos, a moment of quiet

  1. Jackie Espinoza says:

    Because you do have the awareness of how rare these moments are, take these moments, and put them in a “box” in your memory and you will have them with you, always. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

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